Esendex & Zapier possibilities
The list of integration possibilities is ever expanding, so if your favourite tool isn’t listed here it may well already have a new app available on Zapier now. There are in excess of 1,000 apps out there which integrate with Zapier. If you want to automate SMS sending, then you probably can.
Zapier and Esendex SMS
Use Zapier to integrate Esendex SMS with more than 1,000 web applications and business software. Transform business communication between staff and customers – save time and money.
Magento 2.X and Esendex SMS
Send automated and triggered SMS alerts whenever new customers are created, new orders made or sales made within Magento 2.X without the need for developer support.
Salesforce and Esendex SMS
Use Zapier to integrate Esendex SMS and Salesforce to send your sales teams alerts when there are new leads, customers, opportunities and contacts.
Shopify and Esendex SMS
Reduce costs and improve efficiency by integrating Shopify and Esendex to send SMS triggers when specific eCommerce actions occur; new orders, purchases and refunds processed.
MSSQL and Esendex SMS
Trigger automated, instant or scheduled SMS alerts directly from your Microsoft SQL Server database when specific events or actions occur.
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