Communicate in a crisis with SMS

Topic: Esendex news, Local Government, Utilities

With the recent floods in December a lot of disruptions can be the result. To avoid such disruptions communication is integral and now never easier with our solutions

Image for UK flooding blog
It seems 2015 was one of the wettest years on record. According to MET office reports, and existing severe flood warnings, there is still more rainfall to come in January. Live warnings are still in place advising people of potential disruptions due to adverse weather conditions. Are your teams prepared for bad weather scenarios and equipped to communicate in an emergency situation?
With the recent floods of December, many roads have been closed, bridges collapsed and electricity and water supplies cut off. In such situations, whether you’re a local council having to communicate road closures, road works or transportation delays, having the information to hand when service users call is not going to be quick enough to prevent delays.
Integrating our API with your own warning or alerts system could trigger SMS alerts to be sent out to taxpayers or service users in the event of such a disruption This allows people to adapt quickly, change routes or advise others whether family or staff members on the best action to take – proactive, not reactive.
Utilities companies often suffer the worst in a crisis – jammed telephone lines and over-subscribed email inboxes can all be avoided with the adoption of pre-emptive SMS alerts to those likely to be affected in the case of a power loss, electricity works or water outages. Advising customers what to do regarding safety in such an emergency can also reduce risk, cutting costs to time and staff.
In the North of England, especially, floods have been an increasing problem throughout December causing disruptions across industries, from transportation through to agricultural farming. The loss of crops and livestock due to flooding could be reduced when weather warnings are sent instantly by SMS. Many agriculturists and farming groups already use the medium to communicate with one another and adopting it now could mean better damage control in the future.
When transportation is affected, whether car, coach, train or air keeping customers and travelers up to date on the latest delays, flight times and check-in waiting times could mean less congestion at stations and airports and better traffic flow. Using emergencies as an opportunity to turn a customer or user’s experience around is great in a crisis and could see them favour you over other brands, companies or institutions in future.
Parent’s will also appreciate instant contact with schools, shut due to adverse weather conditions, meaning that they have to worry less about consulting alternative news sources and find all their information in one place – their mobile.
Where further crisis control is needed, consider voice broadcasting with the potential to filter out where emergency response is really needed.
If you want to make sure that you can communicate well in a crisis and have enough SMS credits for a rainy day call us on 0345 356 5758.

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