If you're looking to send SMS marketing campaigns, plan your campaign carefully to ensure you don't end up sending 'spam' text messages.
Consumers are quite clued up about how they like to receive SMS;
Despite smartphones revolutionising the mobile industry, new research has found that the traditional text message is still the king of mobile communication.
A new study published by Acision, the mobile
The number of Brits suffering from nomophobia, the fear of being without their phone, is increasing across the UK.
A new study commissioned by SecurEnvoy surveyed 1,000 people in employment about their
Smartphone users in the UK are turning away from using paid-for apps, which has created a dilemma for developers trying to capitalise on the smartphone market boom.
The UK has become a nation of smartphone
Text messages have become an integral part of mobile communication, transforming the way in which individuals interact. The last few years have seen text messages put to a number of new uses, demonstrating
According to a recent study , frequent supportive text messages can double the chance of someone successfully quitting smoking.
10% of the 2,900 smokers who received motivational text messages such as